Is this you???
Is this you?? ........................ Captured by $$$$$$ cctv Captured by mygongzhuwang cctv ........................ many more to come... Last edited by FUYANG; 13-05-2016 at 01:16 AM. |
Re: Is this you???
88185521 ,这个号码每天约,每天放飞机 81581788,垃圾! 92384321,小心这个人,上来左看看右看看然后说下楼锁车门走了,浪费时间的垃圾! 96907161,垃圾上楼来讲价! 82561391,以前女孩做过的客人,现在变垃圾了! 93433288,偷女孩手机! 84094836,偷女孩的钱! 96564647,神经病,到了问东问西的,还问可以看看房间先吗?还说让他考虑考虑先,有病! 92229222,人挺好的就是鸡巴大做爱又猛! 81687245,垃圾! 90688498,飞机王! 97615391,飞机王! 91150752,打电话来女孩说来大姨妈不好意思,他就骂人了,真有病! 93273290,可疑号! 92297251,不是鱼就是垃圾! 85976956,垃圾! 81980282,不好別接! 93758243,这个人一说先给钱就不做了! 81878989,中国飞机王,打电话一直问几楼门牌,问他来了没他说到了到了,走出去都没看见人,浪费时 间,拉黑! 86133944,进来要他先给钱,他说带的1000钞票要女孩找钱,可能是假钞或者是想白食! 83116618,飞机大王! 83517300,进屋坐着沙发上盘着腿跟你讨价还价真无语了! 91801369,鸽子王,说几分钟到,然后问到没,他说快到楼下了,等几分钟打电话他就把女孩号码设置打 不通了!垃圾!浪费时间! 81558181,做的时候很变态,打人,抓头发, 做完还拿回五十块钱才走! 90142751,专业小偷,号码已经公布很多次了,刚来的女孩最容易被他偷钱和手机!86236350, 这是女孩子被偷走的手机号码,注意了!小偷肯定会用这个号码去约女孩并偷东西! 92472783,超级飞机王,一直说在路上然后提钱然后各种找不到路的理由! 97118522,垃圾! 92253084,这个人很啰嗦! 92779277,可疑,姐妹们注意下打电话问在几楼大牌多少后说他到了就没影了! 94474823,变态要喝女孩的尿! 86688851,一进来就讨价$100两次! 83507173,鱼! 87000138,威胁女孩最好不要住现在的地方,说要举报! 90281706,垃圾! 84512329,变态!乘你注意拔套! 87000138,威胁妹子! 91504601,97328270,飞机王! 97960012,不能接! 90184303,小偷,偷了女孩150元! 93735612,垃圾发信息 骂人! 87174033,畜生没素质! 96333851,垃圾! 98188824,飞机王! 93913089,中国垃圾! 98323781,草包! 91561751,不好! 97510488,垃圾! 98279422,吹牛要包夜! 86788000,公布过的垃圾! 97861990,人模人样的,穿的超斯文,说话也挺有礼貌的我问他先要钱,他说只有10块钱! 96962679,一分钟不到就射了,觉得亏,还要退钱,赖着不走,非得待够一个小时! 97118522,到处说输了几万块钱,要讨价$60! 82735973,中国垃圾不给钱,还要威胁报警! 82965274,姐妹们这个号码别接,一来就是四个人,超级垃圾! 81846814,东北变态! 90610740,他要女孩子不穿内衣裤迎接他,等他来了,他要亲要摸,然后说没带钱,要回车里拿,就音讯 全无! 92363216,鱼! 93662322,垃圾,连续约几次,每次放飞机 还威胁说知道我在哪里,叫我小心! 83873640,94259772,这两个人一起的,超级垃圾,有暴力倾向,想扣下面,不给扣还想打人, 要不是我说要报警他会更加刁难人,做完还不走超级垃圾! 82074569,鱼! 83665667,鱼! 84232771,做完只给50块钱就跑了! 90184303,小偷! 97597216,飞机王! 83373255,垃圾! 85512775,飞机王! 81975311,不好的! 97340721,全身长东西,不能接! 97913006,来两个人可疑! 83752968,做完爱不给钱,拔腿就跑,还威胁妹子! 96350518,可疑号! 97168069,鱼! 83364213,有病全身溃烂! 98557049,飞机王! 98329845,飞机王! 96677583,92342582,昨天看了我朋友走了,今天来看我,又走了,后来又看了我另一个朋友也 走了! 97168069,鱼! 83392221,做了不给钱! 94557275,垃圾! 92446636,人来了,转了一圈就走了,看着他又没有出电梯,打了电话才走的。这么晚了不知会有什么问 题! 84187066,飞机王, 说到楼下了,告诉了几楼,说是上来了,门牌说了,又说不来了! 97381455,约了都放飞机! 本版块专门记录有问题的客源,以及钓鱼者,大家客源在下面跟帖,把有问题的号码增加在这里! 85472843 这个号码有没有,这个人在刚才偷了我钱包,姐妹们记下电话号码 94667731 变态 91744208 这个号码每天约,每天放飞机 85472843 就是这个号码偷我钱,差不多21岁左右,白白静静的,长的很清秀。眼睛大大的 92964788 中国小偷刚刚偷了我的电话 85780538 中国垃圾大垃圾 这是垃圾,前段时间加我室友微信,说自己出车祸腿断了,让去他家上门,说好的半天400$,女孩去了以后问 他先拿钱,他说家里没有打电话让朋友一会儿送过来,结果等了几个小时都没有人送钱,最后一分钱没给,女孩走 了他还给女孩发信息说女孩偷他家东西,要报警抓女孩。本以为他老实,今天又来骗我现在的室友,还好我今天起 来的早,拦住了我室友,要不又上他当了。我发微信骂了他,他马上把我室友拉黑了,垃圾电话 867880 00 97379014 垃圾不给钱,新加坡50岁老头 90839967 不好按摩,按的女孩手都软了,好肥,鸡鸡又臭 96529543 放飞机,都和他确认过了,说确定来,到时间不来,害得我没约到其他人 85245312 粗鲁,中国人,差点被强奸了 98529665 这个号码超垃圾,一直说到了,叫我等他,一会儿说十五分钟到,一会儿又说德士司机走错 方向了又要五分钟。后来说到了,又说我大门锁了,最后挂电话又说走了 94386012 死飞机,时间到了沒来,还一直发信息说要到了。都超一小时了 81572408 有病在门口看看说和照片不像 97331847 问我太多了中国人 84574451 垃圾上来说身上只有40.骂他了他还说好快就出了,死垃圾浪费时间 81567784 这个人做了不给钱,还威胁我说要报警,我说你报我白卡不怕,我叫朋友赶紧把铁门锁上, 他出不去,也不敢报警,美女们別怕垃圾,在垃圾面就要凶,别让他们欺负我们。后还是给钱了 97750628 打电话来骂人的垃圾说话超难听 97972152 傻逼 81567784 这个人做了不给钱,还威胁我说要报警,我说你报我白卡不怕,我叫朋友赶紧把铁门锁上, 他出不去,也不敢报警,美女们別怕垃圾,在垃圾面就要凶,别让他们欺负我们。后还是给钱了 83127423 浪费时间的混蛋。姐妹们别留时间等这种人 91051566 变态的,一百2次 96229915 阳痿的新加坡人,自己不硬又不出,妹子还给他做足服务他还说妹子讲他,走时只给$50 而已! 81331619 这个人不要接打电话骂人 96168418 有病 97334831 97221725 91295295 变态 98801186 这人疑似小偷,背个包包,来房间东张西望 96333395 这个号码问我是不是一个人住,我说俩人他就说不来了。很可疑? 86785729 打抢 骗 96667400 看来这个垃圾死性不改。他原来是垃圾,后来变好了。现在又变垃圾了 84993372 飞机王…说到喽下…怎么都看不到人… 83849419 和 94676368 同一个人,一定要女孩口暴,女孩不肯,就威胁要报警! 94676368 此人按摩要做爱,两次差点被他强奸 84993372 飞机王…说到喽下…怎么都看不到人…浪费时间 91709551 他会把裤子挂在门后面手机偷偷摄像。姐妹们小心。 96539253 垃圾客人,自称是警察,老变态还恐吓女孩! 96539253 94729283 警察叔叔来找我吓死我了 83186514 这个死垃圾无赖,做完说没带钱,姐妹们拉黑他,千万别在上当 82223321 这个傻逼经常只问问,浪费时间,浪费口水,姐妹们把他拉黑,这种人不诚心的 91371752 这个人约我11:30,发信息打电话都正常,我住的地方看不到楼下,所以我需要出门接 ,接到他和他讲话他就笑,我感觉奇怪,仔细一看脸在抽缩,嘴流口水 90266729 傻逼折磨人的日本人。还少给钱 84591616 垃圾!做完了说不到一小时给60,还威胁我要报警 可疑号! 94497315 92288828 洗了澡就走。不给$20 还威胁报警。 90828959 约几次,今天过来没带钱。要接就要先收钱 厕所王!98073081 这个垃圾,上了厕所后说女孩子不是本人走了! 给少钱的垃圾! 81537302 说好是九十只给六十,而且还不想走!! |
Re: Is this you???
bro fuyang i appreciate ur efforts. i believe there alot of thieves around 我是非常非常讨厌小偷. i detest thieves alot more than anything.
Ps do me a favor try to leave the tcss thread alone. Other than that nothing really stop the eyes of the cctv. Please do not steal. 请不要约了然后偷东西!
One mountain always higher than another 青外青山,楼外有楼,一山更比一山高 Talk cock and fart all come through the same breath. TCSS and be Happy! 说话和放屁都是一样的,一口气而以,开心就好! Don't talk to me abt love, dreams, i don't need these in my life 别跟我谈理想,戒了,本少爷DJ想干嘛就干嘛去。。 正妹我最爱 DJ 妹妹 collection |
Re: Is this you???
Is this your phone number? 90598138 小偷的号! 91084548 飞机王 91565100 进屋就对妹子上下其手摸一通,摸完了就说时间来不及,走了!摆明是占便宜,名正言顺的 非礼女孩 97350188 做了不给钱! 96678217 这个客人有人公布过是垃圾变态 他刚才找我了 给我50块直接走了 97398819 烂人,叫女孩子陪他喝酒,不陪就威胁说要报警 90744078 不先给钱,洗个澡就走了的垃圾… 91468576 有皮肤病! 85134196 要90 2 次 93845250 拔套,一个死胖子,他妈的幸好发现了 97595378 到我房间说要求不戴套!被我赶走了 97574268 变态 87206468 这个人上来了我说先收钱非要不肯,大家注意 84587852 这个垃圾把套子的 97199784 这个人神经病,打来说他 是警察 , 85102398 同一个人说自己是警察 85265004 要140 2次 85490805 垃圾,身上没带够钱就来做,说只有400人民币,骗我把4张台币,一张人民币给我,当我不认识人民币呀!我 把他手机留下,要他去取款去了,什么人呀!不老实,故意的。刚到要我给他倒水喝,还偷开我柜子,我拿水杯冲 进来,柜门还啪的一声响。大家存上垃圾。注意啊! 91195467 不给钱 84271896 垃圾拔套 92733349 垃圾客拔套还说让你高潮了不收钱可以吗 81817790 垃圾逼女子不用套 93284692 钓鱼的,我已经被钓了,警察就在门外 92733349 要求拍裸照的 90619441 用手机偷拍 96448923 垃圾逼女子不用套 94558220 这个垃圾把套子 97232111 做了不给钱 91997900 打女子做了不给钱 ............ more to come ... |
Re: Is this you???
While I also feel angry at thieves... Visit ML if get picture caught, that's really scary. |
Re: Is this you???
I believe someone posted some similar lists before so this is not something new. However grabs from CCTV scary. Have to be extra vigilant at entrances.
Cheers |
In reality it only matters if it spreads on mainstream media or social media, or u did something with an underage girl.
My Favorite Massage Girls thread Thread REMOVAL criteria Remember Boss SBF's advice. |
Re: Is this you???
Well done TS! The 'legendary' blacklist now comes with pics too!
Bros should think twice before trying anything funny |
Re: Is this you???
Thansk TS for copy and paste those infor here. But usually WLs are not reading this forum. And a thief will still being a thief unless he is caught. Those blacklisted numbers are much more than that. Anyway, it is easy for them to get a new number and chiong again. And it is impossible for a WL to save the long list of the blacklisted numbers into her phones. They have their way to screen the suspected number in their group chats.
Re: Is this you???
I wonder what the OKTs are going to do? Cheers |
Re: Is this you???
I fully expect and demand ZERO stealing and robbery cases.
One mountain always higher than another 青外青山,楼外有楼,一山更比一山高 Talk cock and fart all come through the same breath. TCSS and be Happy! 说话和放屁都是一样的,一口气而以,开心就好! Don't talk to me abt love, dreams, i don't need these in my life 别跟我谈理想,戒了,本少爷DJ想干嘛就干嘛去。。 正妹我最爱 DJ 妹妹 collection |
Re: Is this you???
Re: Is this you???
1. If these photos, taken secretly by whoever, are evidence of people visiting prostitutes and it gets circulated online or in mainstream media, then it gets those people into trouble because it can be extremely embarassing or worse slanderous. 2. If you have sex with an underage prostitute, you get into trouble, and a spycam capture of you will only make it worse. With recent court cases, it is clear that the law will do everything they can to locate everyone who had sex with an undeage prostitute. 3. I am sure nobody wants their photos secretly taken, especially if they are involved in an immoral activity. 4. Prostitution is not illegal, neither is visiting a prostitute (source). But living off the earnings of a prostitute or soliciting in public are. 5. The thieves can operate brazenly because of one simple fact: unregistered prostitutes are not likely to report theft because they themselves are conducting an illegal activity. If they report, they will have to explain why this stranger came to their premises, and get investigated especially if they are on a visa/pass that does not allow them to work. In other countries where prostitution are legal, theft can be reported. 6. How do you know that the phone numbers are actual phone numbers and not sabo cases? I can insert the phone numbers of a few people I don't like in my office into the list and share it again, getting others into trouble. 7. I can also take photos of an office enemy and post it here saying he visits prostitutes and it gets shared. Can you prove he didn't? This should be clearer for you And for the record, I don't get paid for anything. So where's the "personal gain" beyond taking time to explain things to people and ensuring a thread I created a long time ago remains useful to anyone who bothers to read and use it?
My Favorite Massage Girls thread Thread REMOVAL criteria Remember Boss SBF's advice. |
Re: Is this you???
STOP MISLEADING! You mean MLs / FLs dare not to report to police!!! And the girls are going to suck thumb? CONTINUE DREAMING!!! http://www.straitstimes.com/singapor...beating-her-up http://www.tnp.sg/news/singapore-new...s-rob-masseuse http://www.straitstimes.com/singapor...g-up-masseuses http://www.straitstimes.com/singapor...s-house-jailed |
Re: Is this you???
ps. I did say that the prostitutes are "not likely to report theft" and not "will not report theft". So I wasn't misleading.
My Favorite Massage Girls thread Thread REMOVAL criteria Remember Boss SBF's advice. |
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