Originally Posted by Doomas
Just to share my story. I was in a r/s with a Thai WL in my younger and foolhardy days. She was the yellow cardholder type and from a GL cathouse. Well, I didn't get to marry her as I hoped to but she did marry one of her customers. Fella was not so young, not that educated, and had a technical job, the type who always had grease on his coveralls. She was allowed to live in Singapore with him, and gave him two wonderful children. Their kids are big now. Her hubby set up a small business in LOS and she's there with him now. I still call her sometimes to chat. Hubby knows but he doesn't mind bcz he knows I don't mean any monkey biz. In fact, she's eager for me to meet him but I'm the one holding back. I shy lah. No regrets for knowing her. To add on, I know of other Thai WLs who return here regularly for reasons such as social, holiday, business and family.
Now for myself. My first wife was a Thai FL. Beautiful smart woman from Isaan. When my friends found out she was FL-ing, out of respect for me they didn't patronise her. However, two of them felt pussy is more valuable than brother...classic example of 为妓忘国 (sounds so much more better in hokkien - wei ji mong gok). One of them passed away but I sincerely wish him well where ever he is now. The other bugger is still around, however last I heard karma caught up with him. Back to my ex-wife. I was headed for bankruptcy and told her to divorce me so that she would not get implicated. Besides I know she had a customer who was happy to marry her. Last I know she also had two kids and is living in the US now. I don't contact her bcz her hubby is not as easy going as my Thai ex-gf. But itz ok, I have no regrets for marrying her too.
Buying a bride. Personally I'm repulsed by the idea. It's basically legalised human trafficking. And often the girl is forced or blackmailed into it. I know this because some of my work covers human trafficking.
Now for the moral of this long story. If you are sure this FL is the one for you, think long and hard, take a break, think longer and harder again, take another break, and think even longer and harder again. If after all that you are still sure, then full steam ahead and torpedoes be damned. Of course marrying a FL is not for everyone. Key phrase to cultivate is 放下. Let go of her past and with it, all baggage. If people go up to you and say they had a good time with her, they are just being cheebyekias. You should then tell them that you now have a good time every night while they are stuck with their fugly wives (which is prolly the reason why they hunt for better looking pussy).
However, I do agree with bro lawry. It will be difficult securing her return here. If have kids, may be a bit easier but still an uphill battle.
Hope this helps.