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Old 07-02-2017, 11:33 PM
aquale0 aquale0 is offline
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Looking for Tailor or Lap Dance instructor or Uber/Grab drivers to Roleplay

Hi guys,

My wife and I are getting bored again. She seems to be curious about the above roles. Hence, I am going to make it happen for her by looking for someone who can role play these roles well.

In order for her to tease comfortably, we hope the guy to be:

1. age: 28 to 35 (Please do not apply if you are younger than that because she wouldn't do much the moment she feels that u look too young and it will be a wasted trip for you no matter how good or handsome you are)
2. Race:Chinese/ Malay/ Indian (modern) / Caucasian
3. body: fit body and not skinny or fat
4. Look: Friendly, chatty and pleasant looking
5. Dick size: length minimum 5.5" and diameter at least 2" at thinnest portion and most importantly no erectile issue.

Kindly PM me information of (1) to (5) to start a discussion on a plan if you are willing embark in this attempt with us. Sorry for guys that might know us, you cannot appear again. And for those who do not provide information of (1) to (5), I will not reply :-)

Last edited by aquale0; 07-03-2017 at 03:34 PM. Reason: amend title and add content
Old 08-02-2017, 02:16 PM
Sboiboif Sboiboif is offline
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Re: Looking for Uber/Grab drivers or Driving instructor to Roleplay

Bump for TS. This is the same TS who did the delivery one. Great guy. All the best bros!
Old 08-02-2017, 05:13 PM
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Re: Looking for Uber/Grab drivers or Driving instructor to Roleplay

Thanks for this opportunity. Looking forward on it
Keep posting man other works related
Old 09-02-2017, 07:17 AM
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Re: Looking for Uber/Grab drivers or Driving instructor to Roleplay

How to provide info on 3&4?
Old 09-02-2017, 11:33 AM
durrrr durrrr is offline
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Originally Posted by aquale0 View Post
Hi guys,

My wife and I are getting bored again and we ponder upon "Fake Taxi" porn. She seems to be curious about it, but she wasn't as lucky when she genuinely attempt to book cabs. Hence, I am going to make it happen for her by looking for a real Uber/Grab driver (or someone to pose as one) to role play.

Alternatively, another role which she is curious with is with a car driving instructor.

In order for her to tease comfortably, we hope the guy to be:

1. age: 28 to 35
2. ace:Chinese/ Malay/ Indian (modern) / Caucasian
3. body: fit body and not skinny or fat
4. Look: Friendly, chatty and pleasant looking
5. Dick size: length minimum 5.5" and diameter at least 2" at thinnest portion and most importantly no erectile issue.

Kindly PM me information of (1) to (5) to start a discussion on a plan if you are willing embark in this attempt with us. Sorry for guys that might know us, you cannot appear again. And for those who do not provide information of (1) to (5), I will not reply :-)
Bro, I've PM-ed you. Hope to hear from ya soon!
Old 11-02-2017, 08:41 PM
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Re: Looking for Uber/Grab drivers or Driving instructor to Roleplay

Yah man. The chosen one can share story here.
Nice couple willing to share. 👍
Old 13-02-2017, 10:13 AM
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Re: Looking for Uber/Grab drivers or Driving instructor to Roleplay

1. age: 28 to 35 - 35
2. ace:Chinese/ Malay/ Indian (modern) / Caucasian - chinese
3. body: fit body and not skinny or fat - average built
4. Look: Friendly, chatty and pleasant looking - friendly, chatty, avg looking
5. Dick size: length minimum 5.5" and diameter at least 2" at thinnest portion and most importantly no erectile issue. - definitely thick and erect easy..

U need more scenerios we can plan

Old 15-02-2017, 09:25 AM
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Re: Looking for Uber/Grab drivers or Driving instructor to Roleplay

Wah like sibei fun leh. Waiting for FR
Old 16-02-2017, 06:19 AM
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Re: Looking for Uber/Grab drivers or Driving instructor to Roleplay

nice! TS's missus sounds hot from the FR! hope there will be teasing pics soon
Old 16-02-2017, 08:40 PM
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Re: Looking for Uber/Grab drivers or Driving instructor to Roleplay

Have pm ts alot of details and plan,hope can work this out as plan with ts.As i can share the FR story here when everything done.....

Old 16-02-2017, 09:20 PM
peterlutali peterlutali is offline
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Re: Looking for Uber/Grab drivers or Driving instructor to Roleplay

still looking? i wanna apply
Old 17-02-2017, 12:49 PM
zuouz1983 zuouz1983 is offline
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Re: Looking for Uber/Grab drivers or Driving instructor to Roleplay

Thank you aquale0 for giving me such a great opportunity to meet her pretty and sexy wife. If I am not doing crab, I do not think I could have such a wonderful experience with this nice woman in a car.

I should say TS is really a nice and easy-going person and he is good at planning. He planned this scene for like 3 days to make sure his wife would not suspect anything when boarding my car, because we are using real booking information. In addition, he also provided me many hints and videos about what could be happening in the car, which gave me some ideas what to do when it happened.

On that night, when I picked her up at her place. She was wearing a black Color one-piece dress, which exaggerates her wasp waist and enlarges her bosom. She was so sexy and looks noble. I believe my heartbeat rate are reaching 150 per minute. "O my god." I began to question the plan, "Was this a joke from the TS?" Really cannot image she will be willing to do some action with me in the car. As a professional grab driver, sending passenger to her destination is my first priority. Therefore, after some basic verification, we start our journey.

At the beginning, she looks very cool and was carrying some work on her MacBook. I guess she must be a hard working OL. And I know my own problem – I become very nervous when talking to pretty woman. After a few minutes silence period. I just tried to break the ice bravely by asking the purpose of the journey if she was going for dinner. She told me she had an appointment meeting clients there. Then we talked about job, hobbies, etc. At the same time, I was trying to find how to bring in the sexual related topic naturally. In the end other than simple Q and A kind of conversation, we did not talk about anything related to sex before reaching the destination. And during the whole journey, she really looks not very happy. Not sure if it was because of the client appointment or her work which makes her very tense. I feel I may fail this plan ending up with nothing other than a normal taxi driver.

As planned by TS, she supposed to take my car back home after reaching the destination. Again, TS was really good at timing, just 5 minutes before reaching the destination. She received a call. Thus, she asked me to wait for her instead of dropping her off. After she discussed in the call, she wanted me to send her back home due to the last minute cancellation. Although she still did not sound happy, she looks a bit relaxed from this point. So on the way back, she initiated some conversation with me and became curious about my background. Which helped both of us relax and had some happy conversation. Also she naturally brought in the sexual topic due to her curiosity on my life. After she heard of I always DIY to solve my Physiological problem, she hinted me if she can provide me something else instead of the money as the taxi fee. (To TS, although you provide lots of reference beforehand, I felt so stupid and I was not able to initiate this topic.) I think you all can imagine how excited to hear that from her. I was so happy and excited since I knew there would be something waiting for me in the end. At least the journey will not be wasted. Till now, mission 1 completed – Initiate Sexual Topic and agreed to use other things as the taxi fee.

To be continued...
Old 17-02-2017, 02:41 PM
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Re: Looking for Uber/Grab drivers or Driving instructor to Roleplay

Originally Posted by zuouz1983 View Post
Thank you aquale0 for giving me such a great opportunity to meet her pretty and sexy wife. If I am not doing crab, I do not think I could have such a wonderful experience with this nice woman in a car.

I should say TS is really a nice and easy-going person and he is good at planning. He planned this scene for like 3 days to make sure his wife would not suspect anything when boarding my car, because we are using real booking information. In addition, he also provided me many hints and videos about what could be happening in the car, which gave me some ideas what to do when it happened.

On that night, when I picked her up at her place. She was wearing a black Color one-piece dress, which exaggerates her wasp waist and enlarges her bosom. She was so sexy and looks noble. I believe my heartbeat rate are reaching 150 per minute. "O my god." I began to question the plan, "Was this a joke from the TS?" Really cannot image she will be willing to do some action with me in the car. As a professional grab driver, sending passenger to her destination is my first priority. Therefore, after some basic verification, we start our journey.

At the beginning, she looks very cool and was carrying some work on her MacBook. I guess she must be a hard working OL. And I know my own problem – I become very nervous when talking to pretty woman. After a few minutes silence period. I just tried to break the ice bravely by asking the purpose of the journey if she was going for dinner. She told me she had an appointment meeting clients there. Then we talked about job, hobbies, etc. At the same time, I was trying to find how to bring in the sexual related topic naturally. In the end other than simple Q and A kind of conversation, we did not talk about anything related to sex before reaching the destination. And during the whole journey, she really looks not very happy. Not sure if it was because of the client appointment or her work which makes her very tense. I feel I may fail this plan ending up with nothing other than a normal taxi driver.

As planned by TS, she supposed to take my car back home after reaching the destination. Again, TS was really good at timing, just 5 minutes before reaching the destination. She received a call. Thus, she asked me to wait for her instead of dropping her off. After she discussed in the call, she wanted me to send her back home due to the last minute cancellation. Although she still did not sound happy, she looks a bit relaxed from this point. So on the way back, she initiated some conversation with me and became curious about my background. Which helped both of us relax and had some happy conversation. Also she naturally brought in the sexual topic due to her curiosity on my life. After she heard of I always DIY to solve my Physiological problem, she hinted me if she can provide me something else instead of the money as the taxi fee. (To TS, although you provide lots of reference beforehand, I felt so stupid and I was not able to initiate this topic.) I think you all can imagine how excited to hear that from her. I was so happy and excited since I knew there would be something waiting for me in the end. At least the journey will not be wasted. Till now, mission 1 completed – Initiate Sexual Topic and agreed to use other things as the taxi fee.

To be continued...
Faster countined story bro

As i am Uber/Grab Driver i have nt exprience like this before on mostly can chit chat with ladies during wed ladies night abit chatty when they can see clevage and wearing short skirt to club to sent them back home.Hope get a chance to get her curiousity role play fake taxi for ts wife....
Old 17-02-2017, 05:47 PM
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Re: Looking for Uber/Grab drivers or Driving instructor to Roleplay

Next, I just need to think about a quiet and safe place to complete the action. Since I do not want to appear in the news or YouTube on the next day. Based on the plan, TS already told me we could choose a heavy vehicle car park on the way back her home. At the beginning, I drove to an open-air carpark, which was a bit bright, and we saw a police officer going out when we entering the carpark. So we just made a U-turn and went out. Then I drove to another carpark without light. It was really dark, we cannot see anything other than some moving shadow. It was so scary, then we decide to find if any HDB multistory carpark nearby. Finally, we found one after driving round and round on the same road. I parked my car on the top floor. As we all known, HDB carpark was just 6 or 7-stories high. Thus, I was still a bit worried at the beginning; since I can see lots of home still got light on in the surrounding HDB blocks. She comforted me not to worry too much as long as we not under the light nobody will see us. Then she put her mac and bag at the back seat then sit next to me in the front. I was completely numbed at that time. I should join her at the back instead. Then she asked me how we should start. I was so nervous and my mind went blank. I totally forgot the hints TS told me. So I asked back the same question. (How stupid I was! I should just start to hug her and kiss her.) If I remember it correctly, she asked me to relax and she will help me, but I need to take off my pants first. Then I grab wipes and tissue paper from the back. I know it will be very messy, so I don’t want to dirty her hand. I adjusted my seat and lay down. I slowly took off my pants and underwear. It was not hard because since I was so nervous but already wet. She started to touch my cock and stroked softly and slowly. Her hand was so soft, I really like the way she did. It became hard within seconds. Then I was using my left hand to touch her boobs in the bra while watching her face, because I worried she may reject me. Luckily, she was not. Her boob was very soft with a small nipple. Then I moved her dress and bra from her shoulder to the side so that the left boob could exposed. I guess her size was C. I was so excited and I can feel my blood rushing to my head. I started to kiss her left boob softly and licked her small nipple, while she continued her hj. Then I asked a stupid question, “Can I kiss you?” She rejected me implicitly. “I may not feel comfortable.” Therefore, I only kissed her neck, ear and cheek, while my right hand started to touch her pussy. Again, she did not reject me. Since her skirt was very short while sit. I just pull up her skirt so that I can see her underwear.

Sorry guys. Got appointment, so I need to go. To be continued.
Old 18-02-2017, 04:13 PM
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