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Old 05-02-2007, 03:36 PM
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Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Not sure if this has been discussed before but I see a need to share ideas on how to get away from Wife/GF, beit for a simple night out with the boys or for some action in the sack.

I have been using my best friend as an alibi most of the time but it has backfired before when she insisted on speaking to him. I was at a loss on what to do and just hanged up the phone and carried on bonking the other girl. Got into a big fight with the wife later and she left home for a few months to cool down. All this could have been avoided if I had more tricks and excuses up my sleeves.

These days I use work as an excuse as its easier to follow-up on. Easier to explain being alone but always have to look for a quiet spot to hang-out in case OC calls. Have even used this excuse to go on overseas trips with gfs. But I guess this excuse would be overused soon.

I also make it a habit to go out after mid-night on weekends regularly. Telling OC that out to have coffee at a nearby coffeeshop. The trick is to keep this regular and after establishing a regular pattern of going to the coffeeshop, you can start wandering further. Problem is that most HCs would be closed by then and also, would be dressed to go to a coffeeshop so cannot hangout at nicer places in shorts and slippers. However, I find this method useful if you have to sneak out to meet a gf for quickies. The latest that I have returned home is around 4am w/o the OC realising. The downside is that it becomes damn tiring the next day. Also, to keep the 'coffeeshop routine' regular, I have been 'going' no matter what. Sometimes too tired, just drive out to another carpark to sleep and return after an hour. No choice but to remain consistent.

Any bros with good ideas to share?
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Old 05-02-2007, 03:43 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

My best solution is "Financial/Insurance Agent". Being an investor, I have valid reasons to meet those agents, but they are in fact my clubbing gal buddies aka potential targets.

Old 05-02-2007, 03:58 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

such a thread will invite more to come!
4/7/12: Cleared my inbox. Can send me message again.

Ran with hot pink FBT shorts, inner netting removed, can feel so many eyes ogling at my long fleshy legs.

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Old 05-02-2007, 04:14 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Play golf? A game will be a few hours at least, and during the game cannot take calls...
Old 05-02-2007, 04:27 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Entertainment lor... I even bring her to one of these biz entertainment drinking sessions or dinner. During drinking session, worn her out with lots of golf, cars and football stories and during biz dinner worn her out with all the technical facts, discussion on politics and economy, dunno about yours, but mine surrendered after the second time...


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Old 05-02-2007, 04:38 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Are you in the sales line,if you are ,it will be much easier to use it as an excuse to entertain customer. Believe you are in related line, since you had used the excuse of oversea trip together with gf.
Old 05-02-2007, 04:45 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

easier to bring her fishing . after once or twice , they'll give up .
Please give me some time , I'll surely return ups for your kind remarks !! Thank you
Old 05-02-2007, 04:51 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by jng1103 View Post
My best solution is "Financial/Insurance Agent". Being an investor, I have valid reasons to meet those agents, but they are in fact my clubbing gal buddies aka potential targets.

Trouble is that my wife knows my financial advisor as he works with the entire family. Also, how to keep going out with financial advisor late into the night? ... maybe must start investing in Dow and Nasdaq.

Btw, have you noticed that financial consultants in banks are getting younger and prettier? Especially those at Citibank and Stanchart. Have been doing some investments there recently and found it so difficult to concentrate... but no choice have to... cannot let pussy bias affect investment choices.
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Old 05-02-2007, 04:52 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl View Post
such a thread will invite more to come!
Hopefully so... then all bros will benefit from the sharing.
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Old 05-02-2007, 05:07 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by wethon View Post
Play golf? A game will be a few hours at least, and during the game cannot take calls...
Golf was a good idea until I realized how much time it takes to actually learn to play it and earn handicap.... by then no more mood left to chiong... too shagged and no more time left.

Need to find more time away from work then can start golf. It would be excellent then as can travel overseas to golf courses with gf. The nice ones usually have a romantic resort nearby.
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Old 05-02-2007, 05:11 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by viceman View Post
Entertainment lor... I even bring her to one of these biz entertainment drinking sessions or dinner. During drinking session, worn her out with lots of golf, cars and football stories and during biz dinner worn her out with all the technical facts, discussion on politics and economy, dunno about yours, but mine surrendered after the second time...
Did that but after using this too often, OC was complaining that I was entertaining too much. I even took her out with one of my non-SG colleague (whom I was bonking) before. After dinner, send OC back and say have to send colleague back to hotel. Had a quickie before returning home.
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Old 05-02-2007, 05:14 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by tanmikel View Post
easier to bring her fishing . after once or twice , they'll give up .
I'll have to take this up soon... go offshore fishing lagi better... but must show up once in a while with fish.

One of my friends used to tell his wife he was offshore fishing and before returning the next morning, would head to pasir panjang wholesale and buy some fish to convince the wife that he had a good catch and was therefore enthusiastic about the next trip.
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Old 05-02-2007, 05:24 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
Trouble is that my wife knows my financial advisor as he works with the entire family. Also, how to keep going out with financial advisor late into the night? ... maybe must start investing in Dow and Nasdaq.

Btw, have you noticed that financial consultants in banks are getting younger and prettier? Especially those at Citibank and Stanchart. Have been doing some investments there recently and found it so difficult to concentrate... but no choice have to... cannot let pussy bias affect investment choices.
Agree... I never bought any insurance policy, so those agents have no knowledge of my status (single, attached or married), and my CO knows nothing about them either. THat's to my advantage, and of coz, I dun buy investment through agents (DIY investor).

Yes, those agents are getting younger, sexier and more aggressive. However, I wont take any advantages of them coz I feel it's ethically incorrect. My gal buddies will be the "agents" though we never talk about insurance/investment

Old 05-02-2007, 05:39 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
..I even took her out with one of my non-SG colleague (whom I was bonking) before. After dinner, send OC back and say have to send colleague back to hotel. Had a quickie before returning home.
Brave man, you. What if you are beng asked for "seconds" (by home minister)? One thing is your excuse looking flushed, other is are you up to it hehehe?
You only live ONCE, pass this way but ONCE..
Old 05-02-2007, 05:55 PM
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Re: Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF

Not sure if this has been discussed before but I see a need to share ideas on how to get away from Wife/GF, beit for a simple night out with the boys or for some action in the sack.

Any bros with good ideas to share?[/QUOTE]

Sometimes, jus being honest works, say gg out wif colleagues/classmates or ex classmates/army mates etc etc....BUT only thing is u go out wif the above only for short while, den remaining time, u go out wif yr target...

or ensure that yr target alrdy knows u r married so she can oso help u by pretending to be one of the above mentioned category.....
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