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FL Dome 1 - The Land of Smiles comes to You Freelancers are not subject to the mandatory health checks that are required of registered sex workers that operate in designated red light areas. They operate illegally outside of the system put in place to curb the spread of STDs. Proceed at your own risk.

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Old 18-03-2007, 02:35 AM
lopo lopo is offline
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Help! A New PRC FL in Distress

Help! A New PRC FL In Distress

Me, a lover of SYT and a sucker for look, decided after lunch at GL, this (Saturday) afternoon, to look for a session with a SYT. Went first to PPC. Walked, walked on level 3 but all joints closed shop. Then went down to level 2, yes, near the toilet a number of them, I think four, open with many young PRCs competing to invite me to go in, but none caught my eye. Then walked over to People,s Park Complex . surveyed all the floors several times, failed, no SYT found. Walked to the food centre behind. Was about to give up when suddenly found one PRC who, if not for her age (30) could IMHO be classified as a SYT sitting on the marble bench in front of the cut fruits stalls. There was a vacant seat just next to her. Quickly I placed my arse on it. She did not look at me nor tried to solicite my business. I turned my face towards her and just for the sake of entering into conversation with her and although the answer was obvious to me I asked if she was from China. She said yes, from Chonqing. When asked how much she is charging she said $60.00 Tried to bargain at $50.00 so that if service was good the $10.00 saved could be used as tips. She said “No”. OK, nvm, $60/-, $60/- lor! Didn’t want to be seen walking on the street with a PRC FL, I asked her to lead the way and I would follow at a distance behind. She didn’t know where to go and instead asked me to lead.

I decided on Dragon Hotel. Went into the room she helped to undress me and then herself. Led me into the bath room and wanted to help to bathe me but tried and tried to turn the hot-water tap on & off and in all direction and the switches on the wall. But no hot water means no hot water. Decided to forget about bathing as the water was too cold.. But she decided to clean my didi and my nipples as well as her pussy & nipples.

On the bed while she was playing with my didi & licking my nipples, I was caressing her pussy & boobs. Then I noticed and remarked that she had blue-black marks on her cheek and behind her neck. .She lifted up her head, rested it on my chest and started to sob softly. I let her do so for a while before I started to ask her why. She said she was often brutally assaulted by her husband who is a hardcore gambler and a drunkard who accumulates huge debts by borrowing from relatives and friends and she had to settle the debts for him. He refuses to find a job and she could no longer continue to work in her homeland (she worked in a stock broking firm) because all her salaries were taken away by her husband).

She told me she had never done FL before. She had just arrived here the day before on Friday evening and I am her first client. She has no experience and do not know what she should do. I then demonstrated to her some of the most basic services she should provide.

She needs your help and is very eager to please you my bros.

PM or email me for her contact. Please leave me your SBF nick & phone number. My email: [email protected]. She speaks only Mandarin. My sincere apology to my Malay & Indian bros. Priority to brothers with high points.

a) Face:: 7 /10.
b) Figure: Nice boobs proportional to the body. Me not good in assessing. Can only roughtly say 33,25 or 26,33
c) Height 1.55.
d) Skin: Fair & smooth.
e) Services: Inexperienced but eager to learn and keen to please. For me is a g/f feeling. Didn’t require her to perform catbath bcos not important to me also becose no hot water so my body not washed. Told her its important to other customers.
f).Did her doggie, missionary, cowboy/cowgirl, scissors and also showed her 69..
g) Needs to be noted and/or improved: A flower tatoo below her navel and some armpit hair. She would remove the hair. Told her to consult a pharmacist. Bros here may have better idea how to remove them..
h) Age: 30
i) Damage:$60/1hr/1shot excluding hotel $10 and CD (But for me bcos she gives me g/f feeling and my empathy for her plight I extended the time to 2 hours so its $120 + hotel $20. no of shots not discussed. I always have difficulty in cumming. She tried very hard very hard and in the end I took pity on her & requested her to do hj for me and I cummed.

I am still a newbie & I am not good in writing. This is my 2nd FR which I had to struggle for many hours to complete --- from Saturday night till Sunday morning.. I apology if it is lacking in substance..
Old 18-03-2007, 04:08 AM
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Re: Help! A New PRC FL in Distress

I have PM you,waiting for your reply.Thx
Old 18-03-2007, 04:54 AM
curiosityz curiosityz is offline
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Re: Help! A New PRC FL in Distress

lopo bro, to me you have written a well-done fr already
Old 18-03-2007, 08:52 AM
lopo lopo is offline
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Re: Help! A New PRC FL in Distress

To: bro curiosityz -- Thank you very much for your compliment

To: bro Bill Wong -- Pls see your email inbox


Old 18-03-2007, 09:56 AM
xiao liao xiao liao is offline
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Re: Help! A New PRC FL in Distress

Originally Posted by lopo View Post
to remove them..
h) Age: 30
i) Damage:$60/1hr/1shot excluding hotel $10 and CD (But for me bcos she gives me g/f feeling and my empathy for her plight I extended the time to 2 hours so its $120 + hotel $20. no of shots not discussed. I always have difficulty in cumming. She tried very hard very hard and in the end I took pity on her & requested her to do hj for me and I cummed.

I am still a newbie & I am not good in writing. This is my 2nd FR which I had to struggle for many hours to complete --- from Saturday night till Sunday morning.. I apology if it is lacking in substance..

bro, just UPZ u for your good FR.... but beware of all the story the PRC gal always tell u may be true but in most cases, there are all BS....just be careful and don't fall into it...

xiao liao

Last edited by JT; 23-03-2007 at 08:58 PM. Reason: quote whole post
Old 18-03-2007, 10:15 AM
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Re: Help! A New PRC FL in Distress

Originally Posted by xiao liao View Post
bro, just UPZ u for your good FR.... but beware of all the story the PRC gal always tell u may be true but in most cases, there are all BS....just be careful and don't fall into it...

xiao liao
Bro xiao liao

Thank you very much for upping me & your kind concern for me, a newbie. Your kind reminder will be heeded. She told me only after I remarked about the blue-black marks & her sobbing didn"t appear to me to be fake. Will reciprocate your kindness when I have the power to do so.

Old 18-03-2007, 10:30 AM
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Smile Re: Help! A New PRC FL in Distress

Good work Bro Lopo for the FR...
and to Bro Xiao Liao for his advice on not believing everything the PRC FLs or any FL may say...
He's too experienced to know...alto I am learning still...
which explains my fast emptying cash till
kamsiah bros
Old 18-03-2007, 10:48 AM
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Re: Help! A New PRC FL in Distress

Originally Posted by lopo View Post

Me, a lover of SYT and a sucker for look, decided after lunch at GL,

Originally Posted by lopo View Post

h) Age: 30
She is definitely not SYT..... nevertheless good FR.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 18-03-2007, 04:55 PM
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Re: Help! A New PRC FL in Distress

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
She is definitely not SYT..... nevertheless good FR.
Bro naemlo, Agree with u that she is definitely not a SYT ... & tks very much for ur compliment on my FR. Had she been much younger, perhaps she could imho be classfied as one ....
Old 18-03-2007, 05:08 PM
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Re: Help! A New PRC FL in Distress

Originally Posted by dirtyhairy View Post
Good work Bro Lopo for the FR...
and to Bro Xiao Liao for his advice on not believing everything the PRC FLs or any FL may say...
He's too experienced to know...alto I am learning still...
which explains my fast emptying cash till
kamsiah bros
Bro DHairy, tks very much for ur compliment on my FR... & ur experience in seeing ur cash till emptying serves as a very good lesson for me.

PS: Had wanted to incorporate this reply into the reply to bro naemlo but didn't know how to do it. Appreciate it if bros here could enlighten me.
Old 18-03-2007, 09:40 PM
l_koung l_koung is offline
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Re: Help! A New PRC FL in Distress

good FR. brother lopo. If possible, would like to give her a try. Too bad,, I have several numbers in hand but I am too busy with my work recently. Ah Ya! become number collector already, shame on myself.
Old 18-03-2007, 10:40 PM
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Re: Help! A New PRC FL in Distress

Originally Posted by lopo View Post
Help! A New PRC FL In Distress


you believe her ?
Please give me some time , I'll surely return ups for your kind remarks !! Thank you
Old 19-03-2007, 12:01 AM
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Re: Help! A New PRC FL in Distress

can i have her contact ?
PLs Upz me if u like my PICs
Old 19-03-2007, 12:26 AM
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Re: Help! A New PRC FL in Distress

not bad maybe i should give a try
Old 19-03-2007, 08:46 AM
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Re: Help! A New PRC FL in Distress

bro lopo...can pm me her number pls....
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